Donation Options

As a non-profit, WARM relies on contributions to keep running. We appreciate donations of any amount. Our latest newsletter shared this list of possible ways to give. Pick whichever is easiest for you, and THANK YOU.

PS Give by December 31st for a guaranteed tax deduction. If mailing a check, date it for December 31st. Even if we get it in January, we will post it received Dec 31st.

All the ways to donate:

1. Use enclosed remittance envelope in the mailed newsletters.

2. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support WARM every time you shop, at no cost to you. Select Washington Adoption Reunion Movement at ‘‘.

3. If you are 70 ½ years or older, you must annually withdraw an RMD. WARM is a 501(3)© non-profit organization, so this is a tax-free transfer from your IRA. (Note: The funds must be transferred from your financial institution. Personally withdrawing the RMD money and giving it to WARM does not qualify for the tax-free status.)

4. You may contribute to WARM through annual payroll deduction programs promoted by
United Way, or the Washington Combined Fund Drive. Be sure to designate WARM on your application.

5. Give online at our website using Vanco. Money can be deducted once or on a recurring basis from your bank account or using a credit or debit card.

6. Mail a check to WARM at 5950 Sixth Ave S, Suite 213, Seattle WA 98108.

7. Click the Donate button on our Facebook page to be redirected to our Vanco site.